Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry Announces $4 Million to Address Climate Mobility in Kenya



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The following press release was published by the Office of the Spokesperson on Sept. 7. It is reproduced in full below.

At the 2023 Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry announced $4 million for the International Organization for Migration to support migrants, refugees, and host communities impacted by climate events in Kenya provided through the Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). The Horn of Africa is experiencing its worst drought in 40 years, affecting an estimated 36 million people and displacing 2.3 million people.

Kenya recently ranked as the 31st most vulnerable country to the effects of climate change. Kenya’s Garissa and Turkana Counties are home to large pastoral communities that host thousands of refugees and migrants who have fled conflict and drought across the region. This $4 million contribution is dedicated to improving data on climate mobility and providing support in agricultural regions home to so many displaced persons, consistent with President Biden’s Executive Order 14013 concerning the impacts of climate change on migration.

This funding is in addition to the $5 million provided last year by PRM to the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund, supporting collective action for safe and orderly migration including the Intergovernmental Authority on Development’s research into cross-border migration linked to climate change. As we face the growing impacts of the climate crisis, the United States remains committed to promoting ambitious approaches for confronting the climate crisis, and safe, orderly, humane migration management in Africa and around the world.

Learn more about PRM’s new approach to address the impacts of climate change on migration and displacement.

Source: Office of the Spokesperson



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