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Terrorist Designation of al-Shabaab Leaders

Regional Affairs


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The United States continues to support Somalia and our other East African partners in their efforts to disrupt al-Shabaab’s operations.  Countering one of al-Qa’ida’s most dangerous affiliates, which has killed thousands of people, including Americans, in Somalia and across East Africa remains a shared priority with the Somali government.

Today, the Department of State is designating five al-Shabaab leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists under Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, as amended:

  • Maxamed Siidow is a finance emir and a commander in the group’s armed wing, the Jabha. Siidow oversees illicit taxation operations in Aliyow Barrow in the Lower Shabelle, Somalia.  He has also led al-Shabaab fighters in attacks and participated in attack planning operations utilizing improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
  • Cali Yare is a finance emir who oversees al-Shabaab’s illicit taxation operations for the village of Beled Amin, Lower Shabelle. Yare is responsible for consolidating all religious taxation and illegal taxes collected from civilians and clan elders.  Yare directed and claimed responsibility for the November 14, 2018, IED attack on Somali Armed Forces near the village of Calagaad, Lower Shabelle.
  • Maxamed Dauud Gabaane is a finance emir, responsible for all al-Shabaab finance operations in Wanlaweyn District and Beled Amin, Lower Shabelle. Gabaane also serves as the head of the group’s intelligence wing, the Amniyat, in Wanlaweyn District.  Gabaane operates an extensive early warning and informant network that regularly collects information on coalition forces and Somalis who work at the Baledogle Military Airfield.
  • Suleiman Cabdi Daoud is a finance emir, and wali (commissioner) of Beled Amin. Daoud also oversees al-Shabaab’s illicit taxation operations in the Lower Shabelle, responsible for collecting religious taxation from villagers.  He also assists in overseeing an al-Shabaab “court” that stores fines collected from civilians in the region.  Daoud previously served as an Amniyat official.
  • Mohamed Omar Mohamed is the wali of the al-Shabaab group in the Diinsor District, Bay Region, Somalia, and has been responsible for a series of attacks targeting civilians. Mohamed was previously the wali and Jabha commander of the Berdaale District, Bay Region.
Additionally, the Department of the Treasury is concurrently designating 15 al-Shabaab financial facilitators and operatives, four charcoal smugglers, and seven of their associated companies.  These combined designations reflect the United States’ counterterrorism priorities in Somalia and support the dynamic relationship we have established with the Somali government to counter the terrorist threats endangering their people and undermining their communities.

As a result of these actions, all property and interests in property of those designated today that are subject to U.S. jurisdiction are blocked, and all U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in any transactions with them.

Treasury Designations were taken under E.O. 13224, as amended, and E.O. 13536, as amended.  For more information about the Treasury designations, please see this page.

Original source can be found here.


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