“DISASTROUS WITHDRAWAL FROM AFGHANISTAN” published by the Congressional Record in the House section on April 26



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Volume 169, No. 70 covering the 1st Session of the 118th Congress (2023 - 2024) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“DISASTROUS WITHDRAWAL FROM AFGHANISTAN” mentioning the U.S. Dept of State was published in the in the House section section on page H2040 on April 26.

The State Department is responsibly for international relations with a budget of more than $50 billion. Tenure at the State Dept. is increasingly tenuous and it's seen as an extension of the President's will, ambitions and flaws.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


(Mr. LaMALFA asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. LaMALFA. Mr. Speaker, more than a year after it happened, Americans still have not heard the truth about President Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. It seems this administration would rather pretend the whole affair never happened.

The disastrous, ill-executed withdrawal cost the lives of 13 American servicemen. Despite this horrific failure, not one person in the State Department, military, or any Federal agency that planned and executed the withdrawal from Afghanistan has resigned in disgrace. No one has apologized. No one has owned up to their mistake.

Now, the State Department is ignoring a congressional subpoena from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The American people sacrificed blood and treasure in Afghanistan for almost two decades. They deserve the truth about what happened, but trying to hide requested information by the State Department is preventing the accountability that we should demand.

Mr. Speaker, we have to get to the bottom of how the withdrawal from Afghanistan went off the rails, so our Nation does not repeat such things in the future.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 169, No. 70



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